Unexplored territory of let declaration

Akash Verma
2 min readSep 17, 2018


Like most of us I have also been using let to declare variables in my personal and professional projects and was pretty confident about it. Recently, I came across something that was a total surprise to me. Let me call it the unknown territory(this was the case for me) or rather the least known area about let declaration.

Before we start exploring, let us write down what we know about let:

  • Variables are declared in block scope and cannot be accessed outside of the block.
  • Values assigned can be changed n number of times within the scope.
  • Redeclaring the same variable within the function or block scope raises syntax error.

Explore the unexplored

We are familiar with the popular concept of variable hoisting. Variables declared with var keyword are hoisted to the top of the lexical scope.

Variable hoisting

What is not well known is hoisting happens in case of let declaration as well but in a slightly different manner. When you declare a variable with let, the declaration is hoisted but the variable cannot be accessed until it’s definition is evaluated. In the meantime variable is in TDZ(Temporal Dead Zone).

Unlike with simply undeclared variables and variables that hold a value of undefined, using the typeof operator to check for the type of a variable in TDZ will throw a ReferenceError:

Let us run through one scenario where I tried to assign an invalid value to a variable declared with let . What happened next was very interesting, I was unable to reassign values as it permanently stuck in temporal dead zone. This was because V8 engine was not able to process invalid value to come out of TDZ.

Temporal Dead Zone

This behaviour is unique to the let keyword. If you try my example with var instead of let, it works fine. Only let is not initialised until its definition is evaluated.😅

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Akash Verma
Akash Verma

Written by Akash Verma

JavaScript Enthusiast, Software Engineer @goevive. Follow me on twitter @Akash940

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